Accept One-Time or Recurring Donations using SPC!
Watch this video for details
Several situations warrant asking for donations. Whether you are fundraising for a cause, event, or project, you can now do it easily using the new SPC Donation Button feature!
Sure you can create a PayPal Donate button to accept donations but now you'll have a lot more options with the new Donation Button feature in SPC plus it seamlessly integrates with DAP!
Key features of SPC Donation Button:
SmartPayCart (SPC) makes it really easy to add a donation button and accept donations directly through your website. Please watch the video for all the details.
Don't have SPC?
SmartPayCart (SPC) is the most powerful, easy-to-use and customizable shopping cart platform for membership sites. From 1-click upsells, free trial, members-area upsells, multiple order bumps, automated login, email automation, membership site integration, support for payment plans, subscriptions, free trial, zapier integration to a very unique and advanced drag/drop checkout form customizer, there's not much SPC can't do!
And then there's the unmatched world class customer support from the SPC support team!
Use SPC to not just grow your sales but also create a fun, enjoyable and unique buying experience for your buyers! And oh-by-the-way, SPC costs way less than other expensive cart platforms out there!
Get started with SPC today! Don't wait.
What's NEXT for SPC?
Membership Site LAB - What's New!
I've already released two courses for the lab members in just 3 months:
I'm getting great feedback from lab members as they are able to apply what they learn in the lab to their membership sites and it's helping them grow their leads and sales! The next big course on membership sites and online courses will be available on Dec 12th, 2018!
Are you a Lab Member yet? If not, be sure to lock in your price before it goes up! Don't let this price get away!
Look forward to your comments and feedback.
Veena Prashanth