Latest news & updates from the world of DAP, SPC & LAB!
Latest News & Updates:
Latest News & Updates!
With so much going on in the DAP and SPC world, and also my Lab, I thought it was time to give you a quick update!
Special Affiliate Offer!
No other cart platform will give you as much control as SPC does when it comes to selling online. And the good news is...
For the Next 30 Days, we have a very special offer that will allow YOU to Earn a Whopping $500 in Commissions On a Single Sale of DAP + SPC combo package!
You'll find all the details on this limited-time Affiliate Offer here:
==> Earn $500 in Commissions! Click here to Learn More.
Feel free to post your affiliate link on your blog, tweet it, facebook it, send it your email list, promote it however you want!
Special Affiliate Offer:
Storefront is HERE!
Last week we released a brand new storefront feature in SmartPayCart (SPC). And many users have already used this feature to create a beautiful shop page to showcase/sell their products.
You can create a shop page in less than 5 minutes. No need to manually create buy button or add-to-cart buttons any more! Everything is fully customizable. You'll have full control over how your store page looks!
Watch this video to see how you can do this.
Different Store for Different Categories!
You can create different store pages, each with different sets of products. You can create different shortcodes for different type of products, and even add them ALL on the same page! So you can have one shop page to list different categories of products.
Watch this video to see how you can do this.
==> How to create different Store Pages for Different Categories!
Change the Product Display Order!
Another truly awesome feature that you are not going to find in any other cart platform! You can create your own 'order of products' for your store. Create a layout that works best for you.
Watch this video to see how you can do this.
My Next Course!
Yes, I'm also working on my next course for my Lab Members! It's going to be all about 'community/forums'!
I'll cover everything from how you can offer different levels of forum access based on user's membership level, how you can use your forum to grow your membership site, Pros & Cons of different forum software/solutions, what I recommend etc.
If you've not yet joined the lab, it's not too late to do so! Lock in your price as it's sure to go up as I release more courses/trainings for lab members!
Check out my Blog!
To stay up-to-date with all the latest happenings in the world of DAP, SPC, my other products, lab etc, check out my blog.
Documentation Update!
Given the number of updates we've made to DAP and SPC in the past 1 year, it's time to revamp our documentation! We're going to release a new documentation page for both DAP and SPC in March 2019.
Stay tuned!
DAP Email Broadcast Feature!
I'll be back again next week with another AWESOME DAP update! This time we're taking the DAP email broadcast feature to an entirely new level! It'll help you save hundreds of dollars on expensive 3rd party email platforms, especially if you use Amazon SES for SMTP!
Stay tuned! More to come soon!
Stripe Integration!
Watch this video to see all the steps required to integrate Stripe with DAP/SPC for both one-off and subscription products. You no longer have to create your plan/products in Stripe. Everything is automated by SPC.
==> Watch this video to see how to Integrate Stripe with SPC!
Site Migration Checklist!
Want to move your DAP-powered membership site to a different hosting platform? Watch this video to see how you can do this in a smooth way so there are no unexpected issues / errors after the move!
If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below OR post your questions in my Free/Private Facebook Group.
Ask Veena Group:
Tired of the Tech Hassles?
Don't have to go it alone!
Building and growing an membership site business is a pretty big project. And regardless of the software you use, the tech can get pretty daunting and overwhelming, when you're going it alone.
The good news for you is... help has arrived and you don't have to spend hundreds of dollars on not-so-reliable developers to get it done!
Done for You!
We've recently launched a done-for-you service where you will not just get one-on-one help with software setup, you'll also get free 1-site license of our membership plugin (DAP) and our shopping cart plugin (SPC)!
We're going to take stock of where things stand for you now and what your goals are. We're then going to work together to determine what you should work on next and come up with an implementation roadmap.