7 Simple Mindset Tips to get more done in 2018 – Episode #10
"There's a big difference between Striving for Perfection and Striving for Excellence.
When you are your own boss, it's very easy to procrastinate and work on the
'perfection game' instead of doing everything it takes to get it out there."
-Veena Prashanth
This is my first DAPCast episode of 2018! First, I wish you a very happy, healthy and successful 2018!
Just like that another year gone! Time waits for no one. We all have limited time on this earth. Make 2018 count. Make 2018 your best year yet!
The big difference between those who succeed and those who fail is as simple as those who succeed talk less and do more. In other words, they take action. They spend time doing things that matter. They spend time where there are the biggest opportunities.
In this Episode, DAP users - Torey Lynn, Jeff Sanders and Molly Martin share their thoughts on the one thing they would do differently in their businesses in 2018.
There's a big difference between striving for excellence and striving for perfection. Perfectionism causes stress, crushes creativity, prevents productivity and ultimately it'll prevent you from building and growing a successful online business. Strive to create an excellent product but don't focus on minor and unnecessary details that will keep you from getting it out there.
In this episode I've shared my top 7 tips to get more done and get things out there. A simple mindset shift, a little re-orientation of the mind, will allow you to get more done and be more profitable in 2018. Take a listen to this value-packed episode to learn about how simple changes to your daily routine will allow you to be more productive, more focussed, do things that matter and accomplish your goals.
Be sure to listen to the show for the rest, using the player above.
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