Module 1 Introduction
Unit 1 Crush it with Online Courses – Introduction
Module 2 7 Steps to a Stress-free Course Launch
Unit 1 7 Steps to a Stress-free Course Launch
Module 3 Course Structure
Unit 1 Course Structure
Unit 2 Course Structure – Compare Different LMS
Unit 3 Course Structure – using DAP
Module 4 How to Create & Deliver Online Courses using WP Courseware
Unit 1 Special Message from Ben Arellano
Unit 2 WP Courseware – How to setup your Courses!
Unit 3 DAP integration with WP Courseware
Unit 4 Members Area – Connect Products with Courses!
Module 5 How to Create & Deliver Online Courses using just DAP
Unit 1 DAP – Introduction
Unit 2 DAP – Behind-the-Scenes!
Unit 3 Course Outline, Sidebar Widget & more
Unit 4 Multiple Courses
Module 6 Should you invest in a LMS?
Unit 1 Can your Membership Plugin do it all?
Module 7 How I created an Elegant & Professional Look for my Course Pages!
Unit 1 How I created an Elegant & Professional Look for my Course Pages!
Module 8 How to Create & Deliver Online Courses using LearnDash
Unit 1 Can LearnDash do it all?
Unit 2 LearnDash – How to setup Courses in LearnDash!
Unit 3 DAP integration with LearnDash
Unit 4 Course Outline, Members Area
Module 9 How to Create & Deliver Online Courses using Thrive Apprentice!
Unit 1 Apprentice or DAP?
Unit 2 Apprentice Setup
Module 10 LMS Comparison - Ease-of-use
Unit 1 LMS Comparison: Ease-of-Use