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Are you willing to put in
the work, complete each lesson and implement what
you learned to get the most out of this course?
the work, complete each lesson and implement what
you learned to get the most out of this course?
Enter any additional information about the quiz
Yes, of course! I'm an action taker. I plan on completing this course.
I don't have a big audience or list. Yes, I plan on completing this course.
Yes, as long as it's easy-to-implement.
I've got a busy schedule. I'll do my best.
What are your biggest challenges when it
comes to building and launching an online course?
comes to building and launching an online course?
Enter any additional information about the quiz
No Audience.
Small List.
Need help with planning and strategy.
Implementation. Need help with setup.
Whatever challenges I have, I believe your course will address it. I can't wait to get started!
I'm new to Wordpress.
I'm not an expert on Wordpress but I can manage.
Yes, I'm very comfortable with Wordpress.
I'll show you how to build and launch an Online Course using DigitalAccessPass.com (DAP). Do you have a membership site currently?
Enter any additional information about the quiz
No, I don't have a Membership Site.
Yes, I've a Membership Site and I use DAP.
Yes, I've a Membership Site and but I don't use DAP.
What are the main challenges you are facing right now?
Enter any additional information about the quiz
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This is a GREAT first step!
You've also UNLOCKED a point! You can use your points
in our store to get FREE Access to our premium content!
An online course can help you step towards a scalable business with no revenue ceilings. What you'll learn in this course, you'll probably not find even in $2k courses!
Take the course at your own pace but do NOT skip lessons. Go through each lesson and IMPLEMENT what you learned. If you watch the videos and follow the steps, I've no doubt you'll see positive results very quickly!
If you have friends or followers that can benefit from this course, please help spread the word.
I'll be using DigitalAccessPass.com (DAP) as my membership / course platform. If you don't have a DAP license, signup for one today! It's easily the best membership/course plugin for Wordpress.
Get a DAP License HERE.
Also be sure to Join my Facebook Group and introduce yourself :-). I'm looking forward to helping you create a successful and profitable online course!
-Veena Prashanth
Take the course at your own pace but do NOT skip lessons. Go through each lesson and IMPLEMENT what you learned. If you watch the videos and follow the steps, I've no doubt you'll see positive results very quickly!
If you have friends or followers that can benefit from this course, please help spread the word.
I'll be using DigitalAccessPass.com (DAP) as my membership / course platform. If you don't have a DAP license, signup for one today! It's easily the best membership/course plugin for Wordpress.
Get a DAP License HERE.
Also be sure to Join my Facebook Group and introduce yourself :-). I'm looking forward to helping you create a successful and profitable online course!
-Veena Prashanth
Congrats! You've now unlocked access to this course.
You'll receive your login details in an email.
You've also UNLOCKED a point! You can use your points
in our store to get FREE Access to our premium content!
You'll receive your login details in an email.
You've also UNLOCKED a point! You can use your points
in our store to get FREE Access to our premium content!
An online course can help you step towards a scalable business with no revenue ceilings. What you'll learn in this course, you'll probably not find even in $2k courses!
Take the course at your own pace but do NOT skip lessons. Go through each lesson and IMPLEMENT what you learned. If you follow the steps, I've no doubt you'll see positive results very quickly!
If you have friends or followers that can benefit from this course, please help spread the word.
I'll be using DigitalAccessPass.com (DAP) as my membership / course platform. If you don't have a DAP license, signup for one today! It's easily the best membership/course plugin for Wordpress.
Get a DAP License HERE.
Also be sure to Join my Facebook Group and introduce yourself :-). I'm looking forward to helping you create a successful and profitable online course!
-Veena Prashanth
Take the course at your own pace but do NOT skip lessons. Go through each lesson and IMPLEMENT what you learned. If you follow the steps, I've no doubt you'll see positive results very quickly!
If you have friends or followers that can benefit from this course, please help spread the word.
I'll be using DigitalAccessPass.com (DAP) as my membership / course platform. If you don't have a DAP license, signup for one today! It's easily the best membership/course plugin for Wordpress.
Get a DAP License HERE.
Also be sure to Join my Facebook Group and introduce yourself :-). I'm looking forward to helping you create a successful and profitable online course!
-Veena Prashanth
Congrats! You've now unlocked access to this course.
You'll receive your login details in an email.
You've also UNLOCKED a point! You can use your points
in our store to get FREE Access to our premium content!
You'll receive your login details in an email.
You've also UNLOCKED a point! You can use your points
in our store to get FREE Access to our premium content!
An online course can help you step towards a scalable business with no revenue ceilings. What you'll learn in this course, you'll probably not find even in $2k courses!
Take the course at your own pace but do NOT skip lessons. Go through each lesson and IMPLEMENT what you learned. If you follow the steps, I've no doubt you'll see positive results very quickly!
If you have friends or followers that can benefit from this course, please help spread the word.
I'll be using DigitalAccessPass.com (DAP) as my membership / course platform. If you don't have a DAP license, signup for one today! It's easily the best membership/course plugin for Wordpress.
Get a DAP License HERE.
Also be sure to Join my Facebook Group and introduce yourself :-). I'm looking forward to helping you create a successful and profitable online course!
-Veena Prashanth
Take the course at your own pace but do NOT skip lessons. Go through each lesson and IMPLEMENT what you learned. If you follow the steps, I've no doubt you'll see positive results very quickly!
If you have friends or followers that can benefit from this course, please help spread the word.
I'll be using DigitalAccessPass.com (DAP) as my membership / course platform. If you don't have a DAP license, signup for one today! It's easily the best membership/course plugin for Wordpress.
Get a DAP License HERE.
Also be sure to Join my Facebook Group and introduce yourself :-). I'm looking forward to helping you create a successful and profitable online course!
-Veena Prashanth
Congrats! You've now unlocked access to this course.
You'll receive your login details in an email. Also, while this is not a course on list building, I've a whole module dedicated to list building.
You've also UNLOCKED a point! You can use your points
in our store to get FREE Access to our premium content!
You'll receive your login details in an email. Also, while this is not a course on list building, I've a whole module dedicated to list building.
You've also UNLOCKED a point! You can use your points
in our store to get FREE Access to our premium content!
An online course can help you step towards a scalable business with no revenue ceilings. What you'll learn in this course, you'll probably not find even in $2k courses!
Take the course at your own pace but do NOT skip lessons. Go through each lesson and IMPLEMENT what you learned. If you follow the steps, I've no doubt you'll see positive results very quickly!
If you have friends or followers that can benefit from this course, please help spread the word.
I'll be using DigitalAccessPass.com (DAP) as my membership / course platform. If you don't have a DAP license, signup for one today! It's easily the best membership/course plugin for Wordpress.
Get a DAP License HERE.
Also be sure to Join my Facebook Group and introduce yourself :-). I'm looking forward to helping you create a successful and profitable online course!
-Veena Prashanth
Take the course at your own pace but do NOT skip lessons. Go through each lesson and IMPLEMENT what you learned. If you follow the steps, I've no doubt you'll see positive results very quickly!
If you have friends or followers that can benefit from this course, please help spread the word.
I'll be using DigitalAccessPass.com (DAP) as my membership / course platform. If you don't have a DAP license, signup for one today! It's easily the best membership/course plugin for Wordpress.
Get a DAP License HERE.
Also be sure to Join my Facebook Group and introduce yourself :-). I'm looking forward to helping you create a successful and profitable online course!
-Veena Prashanth