Exclusive Offer: Just for Lab Members
35% OFF WP Courseware Licenses!
Few years ago, I was looking for a LMS to launch my first online course. During my research, I found a testimonial from David Risley where he talked about why he uses WP Courseware. I'm a big fan of David Risley's work. So I contacted Ben Arellano and Nate Johnson (Fly Plugins co-founders), asked them a few questions about WPC and they were very helpful. They also gave me access to a WP Courseware license to check it out.
I installed and tested WP courseware and I absolutely LOVED the experience. Simple, easy and very intuitive. So when I decided to launch Membership Site Lab recently, I upgraded to the latest version of WPC and I see that they have made it even better!
With WP Courseware, everything just makes sense. It does not feel like anything is in the wrong place. Everything just fits together really well. It's great for ceating quick courses and integrates really well with DAP.

So I spoke to Ben Arellano and asked him if he would consider offering lab members a higher discount on WP Courseware licenses. He agreed! You can now get SPECIAL DISCOUNT (35% off) on WP Courseware licenses! You can click on the links in the red boxes above to avail discount. Ben also has a SPECIAL MESSAGE for the lab members. I've added his video message to one of the lessons in my "Crush it with Online Courses" training program.